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#Nocoastdriftparty6 Review by Fred Lump Lump

Just got home!!! There is so much I wanna say about Dan Brockett and his staff. But it would be super long and you probably won't read it. But ima write it anyways because they deserve to know what they have in New Mexico. Those who know him and those who know about him, will share my feelings on this. I have been wanting to visit and drive his nocoastdriftPARTY 👈 (notice) event for last 4 years or so. Everytime my friends talk about it all I can think about is racewars (if u dont know what that is? Unfriend me please, there is a list of new mexico buddies i wanna add) Luke and our team arrived late friday. We were worried about gates closing. Text him and his laid back response gave us peace of mind. We arrived and set up camp. His staff and lots of dudes that were there before us came up and introduced themselves. (that is now missing from events)

The Saturday morning was no different. We wake up to shaking hands and giving hugs. We do the best and most relaxed drivers meeting. We drive our hearts out all day with 50+ drivers of all levels and car styles. There was no bashing eachother for the kinda car they drove or the told what style they should build. I drove so much that I had to go take a nap and slow down.

The evening came and a fun comp was set up amongs the drivers. The FUN factor never left the track. Drivers were helping eachother (even the two in battle, yes #driftbattle) and jocking around. The comp went on for a good while with some pretty heavy rain and we still drove. The comp ended and the track went cold.

The party continued with open skid pad around 12am and bands, yes real bands were playing with a large bonfire and fireworks. The crowd enjoyed while the drivers sat around talking about cars or helping eachother get their cars ready for next day. Most amazing and beautiful thing I had ever seen. It reminded me of what events used to be like. It was people networking and having fun. The cars and Drifting was just an added bonus.

This went on until the sun came up (i was told cus im old and i go to bed early) and the next day same process. I burnt my clutch trying to warm up my #Zestinos 👈😋 So I then joined the crowd and enjoyed the team comp. Dan kept us entertained the entire time over the PA system. He explained what was going on to where a person that had no clue what Drifting was and maybe came as an invite for the bands, understood it. (another missing element) There is so much more to this event than just cars and slides. I made so many new friends and met lots of my fb people in real life that I would return and make the journey without #Ydirty3 .

The highlight in my eyes came from Benjamin Councill of Drift Factory who brought his personal tire machine and sacrificed his drive time to change peoples tires due to an unforeseen last minute cancellation from the tire changer for event. This gave me such and awesome feeling inside, because this is the kind of people I sorround myself with everyday. #serviceaboveself

Ima stop now, cus you probably read only "Just got home" but seriously. New Mexico is the example to duplicate. We have many other events scheduled to attend and will give you guys our experience first hand. You owe it to yourself to drive or tag along next year and if not, at least share this so someone else can go and tell you all about it. Here is a quick video Focus Elements put together on the way home. ✌️

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